Orthodontic Baby Pacifiers: The JEWL orthodontic pacifier’s unique design uses patents developed by a pediatric dentist for the nipple and shield that focus on natural oral muscular development.
Uniquely from Boon: The patented shield design of this baby soother pacifier allows it to float above the skin for more air flow and free jaw movement.
Gem Shaped Nipple: The gem-shaped orthodontic pacifier nipples helps encourage your baby’s proper tongue placement for a more comfortable sucking experience.
Designed for Comfort: The JEWL’s narrow neck at base of the pacifier nipple allows for your baby’s mouth to close more fully.
Easy to Clean: These silicone pacifiers are dishwasher and sanitizer safe and come in fun colors, and they cover various stages (Newborn/Stage 1 for around 0-3 months, Stage 2 for around 3-6 months, and Stage 3 for around 6-18 months).
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